Well, I thought I would have a Kindle version of my book The Game of Basketball available on Amazon by now. Like many things in life, I was wrong. After successfully uploading my HTML file, created by converting my original print file to HTML, to Amazon's DTP, I received a copy from Amazon for approval before purchase.
I was horrified at the results! Changes in type size, font, and margins abounded through out the text. Most frustrating was the indentation of the left side margins in random locations. I don't know if this is a common experience, but the last thing I want is for a version of one of my books, especially my first book in the Kindle format, to have an interior that looks like the one I just described.
After some serious consideration of whether or not to even continue with the project, I have decided to pay a professional to have the file converted to the Kindle and ePub formats. I am well aware the conversion can be done for free by any individual. The results when I did the conversion myself were worth about as much as free is worth.
So I have now moved on to searching for a reputable individual or company that does Kindle and ePub conversions for a reasonable, or at least what I think is reasonable price, and who will do work that satisfies my requirements. I like free. I prefer free. But I don't want those two or three killer negative reviews that can kill a book before it has a chance. To be honest, if I used the file I created, even though I truly believe the content of my book is excellent, well written and organized in a user friendly format, my book would deserve those book killing reviews.
I will revisit this topic again in the future for those interested in learning more about the Kindle conversion process.