Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Source of Kindle Formating Information and Its Free!

Aaron Shepard, one of the founding fathers of today's self-publishing industry and the author of Aiming at Amazon, has created a new site for authors interested in converting their Word files to Kindle files for publication as Amazon Kindle ebooks.

Here is Aaron's announcement of his new blog:

In support of the upcoming major revision and expansion of my ebook"From Word to Kindle," I've launched a new blog with the same name.


I'll be posting draft sections to this blog as I write them, in hopes of receiving comments that help me refine the book. I also see it as a place for my readers to support each other with answers to each other's questions. A "Follow by Email" feature will bring you email notices of new posts.

This will be a helpful resource for many so you will want to bookmark this blog and visit it from time to time.

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