Sunday, January 15, 2012

Book Marketing, Cover Design and SEO - A Different View of Cover Design

The idea of crafting your book's title for effective search rankings for Amazon was first introduced, to me at least, by Aaron Shepard in his book Aiming for Amazon. When I first read Aiming for Amazon, print-on-demand was the way to go for self-publishing authors and is still an important part of the financial equation and overall marketing scheme.

Things have changed quite a bit since I first read Aiming for Amazon. The Kindle and other ebook reading devices have forever altered the landscape in the world of publishing and self-publishing. There are days where I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of what I need to learn just to keep pace with what the world of self-publishing looks like.

For me, the Kindle has been a blessing, both financially and in terms of ability to market my books to a larger audience. It also means things like cover design, the internet and marketing have to be viewed in a different way.

With this in mind, I stumbled across an article suggesting authors need to rethink how they design their covers, particularly the rear cover design. In this instance the emphasis is on using the cover design and back cover copy to improve search engine optimization, SEO, to improve the potential marketability of the book on the internet. Rather than rehash the ideas, simply click on the link below to read the article.

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