Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Understanding Amazon Sales Information - Let Amazon Explain

As a self-published author Amazon has been my best source of income. POD sales using LSI and CreateSpace generate income but the real moneymaker has been the Kindle editions of my books.

Aaron Shepard's book Aiming at Amazon is mandatory reading for any author who is considering self-publishing and selling books on Amazon. While Kindle and ebooks are getting the lion share of attention in the self-publishing and publishing world at the moment, print sales still matter.

The past four months have been the most lucrative since I started this venture. The over 65% of the profit has been from Kindle edition sales. Upon examination though, my print sales were also at record highs, both in profit and in total number of copies of titles sold. While the percent of print books may have declined a great deal in the last 18 months, the total number of print books I have sold has increased.

With this in mind, don't forsake a print edition using Print-on-Demand (POD) as your print method of getting your book published in paperback. Morris Rosenthal's Print-on-Demand Book Publishing is an essential read to learn about using this approach to getting your book into print.

Understanding the ever changing mysteries of Amazon can be challenging with everything a self-publishing author has to do. Yet to be successful financially it is essential to have a good understanding of how Amazon and the book industry work.

Finding accurate information can be daunting. So, when it comes to learning about sales information on Amazon, go to Amazon. Below is a link which will provide Amazon's own explanation for sales information available and how to understand this information as it relates to your own book.


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