Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Independent Book Publishers Association - Professional Organizations Part III

Here is the third overview of four professional associations mentioned in an earlier blog about the value of professional associations.  Unlike the organizations SPAN and SPAWN who have as part of their mission helping authors, the Independent Book Publishers Association, IBPA, is geared to serving publishers although authors are permitted to join. Authors who self-publish their works will find the educational aspects of the association helpful. The following excerpt describing the  mission of the IBPA was taken from the associations website.

IBPA, the Independent Book Publishers Association is a trade association of independent publishers. Founded in 1983, it serves book, audio, and video publishers located in the United States and around the world.

Its mission is to advance the professional interests of independent publishers. To this end, IBPA provides cooperative marketing programs, education and advocacy within the publishing industry.

IBPA's membership of more than 4,000 publishers continues to grow. It is governed by a voluntary board of directors that meets regularly to discuss and plan the association's business. Board members reflect the varied membership and serve two- to four-year terms. 

IBPA offers beneficial programs and information to all member publishers, regardless of their size or experience. 

Membership dues are listed below:


Employees / Cost
1 - 9 Employees / $119.00
10 - 19 Employees / $165.00
20 - 49 Employees / $210.00
50 - 99 Employees / $300.00
100+ Employees / $425.00

Employees / Cost
1 - 9 Employees / $175.00
10 - 19 Employees / $230.00
20 - 49 Employees / $315.00
50 - 99 Employees / $430.00
100+ Employees / $605.00

The final association I will provide an overview for is the Independent Self-Publishers Alliance.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin--thanks for including the excellent summary of what the 3000-member Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)has been offering publishers for more than 25 years. Just to clarify one point--we don't offer Associate Memberships for $30. Instead members of our 20+ affiliate organizations located all over the country get a $30 discount on a membership in IBPA. For example, if a publisher were to join our Los Angeles affiliate, Publishers Association of Los Angeles, he/she could join IBPA at the same time for $89 instead of $119. Hope that helps and thanks again for sharing our information with your readers!
    Florrie Binford Kichler, President, IBPA
