Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Using Amazon's Kindle for Market Research

I have yet to purchase a Kindle from Amazon though ostensibly my wife gave me a Nook for Christmas. I got to read a couple of Sherlock Holmes stories and that was the last time I got to use it. I have yet to have any of my paper books that are printed using POD technology to Kindle but the urge to both purchase a Kindle and convert, or write, a book for sale using the Kindle is increasing almost daily.

Today I read a blog posting by self-publishing expert Morris Rosenthal about his latest book. He has released it on Kindle only for $0.99. If it sells reasonably well and the feedback he receives is encouraging or helpful, Morris stated he will probably release a POD paper version of the book. Morris states up front in the blog posting about his book, it is about SEO for author websites, that the main reason he is selling it as a Kindle and for such a low price is to test the market to see if it is worth the investment of money and time to produce a paper book. Certainly food for thought as an inexpensive way to test the waters for a book idea.

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