Wednesday, August 22, 2012

News in the World of Self-Publishing: Some Blog Posts Worth Reading

Sometimes other people can say what I have been thinking about about much better than I can, have already written about the topic or have knowledge and information I don't have that the readers of this blog need or want to know about.

So here are a few blog posts worth reading from other sites.

From Joel Friedlander's The Book Designer:

Alan Shepard's review of the new Lightning Source POD color printing service:

From Michael Marcus' Book Making - a post about a different way to proof your book:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin!

    I looked for a direct contact for you on the site, but I didn't find one. I actually found your site from a 2010 post on Joel Friedlander's site. I am with Kbuuk (, and we're a new self-publishing platform. I'd like to get in touch with you to ask if you'd be interested in listing our company as a resource over on the right under "Companies for Self-Publishers to Investigate".

    Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.

